There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who will never win a prize from the claw machine, and those who always seem to win not matter what. I have never in my life won a toy from the claw machine, not even close. I have even been known to drop ten bucks trying to get a stupid looking green monkey with stuffing oozing out of a broken seem, just because it was the easiest looking prize to get, and failed.  Screaming at a claw machine is unattractive, so I have been told. I think people who win at claw machines should be obligated to win a prize for the ones who can’t. Like a law or something. That’s it, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Death with a Cherry on Top: A Beach Themed Cozy Mystery (Twisted Sisters Ice Cream Cozies Book 1)
by Molly Dox
4 Stars (6 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery

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New Jersey’s summer season means vacationers, a busy boardwalk, crowded beaches, and overflowing hotels. Gina and Lottie, sisters and owners of the Twisted Sisters Ice Cream stand, take matters into their own hands when Gina’s daughter is charged with murder.

When the local playhouse director is found dead, Gina’s daughter is cast into the spotlight. With weapon in hand, all fingers point to her. Can Gina and Lottie find answers before it’s too late? Or is Carla a better actress than they thought?

This cozy mystery offers a family-friendly read in a short story format.

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Diary Of A Dieter (Confessions Book 1)
by Madison Seidler, Marie Coulson
4.2 Stars (44 Reviews)
Genre: Romance | Humor & Satire

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Curvy girl, Charlene Winters, had it all: the great career, wonderful friends and a dreamy fiancé.

With her wedding day just three weeks away, Charlene is dealt a devastating blow. Suddenly finding her life, hopes and plans in tatters, the jilted bride sinks into despair and a tub of Ben and Jerry’s cookie dough. With the heartache of her fiancé’s infidelity still fresh, Charlene’s whisked away by her friends on a life-changing holiday. But how will this big fish cope now that she’s back in the dating pond and surrounded by slender trouts with Botox lips?

Frustrated by best friend Adam thwarting her attempts at romance, and her girls Vanessa and Dana eager to set her up with a boy toy, Charlene decides the time for change is upon her. What she needs is a change of scenery, a change of dress size and maybe, a change of heart.

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The Old Balmain House (Old Balmain House – Second Edition Book 1)
by Graham Wilson
4.1 Stars (7 Reviews)
Genre: World Literature | Historical Fiction

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Sophie vanished – where did she go? For 100 years nobody knows.

A photo of 8 year old Sophie and an antique perfume bottle are found in the fireplace of an old house.

The story of a Balmain family over 170 years. Finally they uncover what happened.

Set around beautiful Sydney Harbour this is a story of this place and its people, an imagined history from early Australia to the present day

Who was Sophie and what happened to her? On buying an old weatherboard house in Balmain, Sydney, we discover her photo, dated 1900-1908, long hidden, along with a small perfume bottle in an old fireplace. Then we discover that Sophie disappeared with a childhood friend in 1908 and was never seem again, leaving a trail of sadness through generations of her family.

This book tracks the journey of the discovery of Sophie and her family, from their first arrival in Sydney, over five generations of the family, until the mystery is finally laid to rest.

It is a story of loss and grief, mixed with joy, which passes through the successive generations of a family. The way the family deals with unresolved tragedy and finally the way their love transcends time is the story from which the real Sophie emerges.

Graham Wilson, the author, lived in the house in Balmain around which this story is based for seven years, before moving to Millers Point. This is his first novel.

Graham has previously written a family memoir, “Children of Arnhem’s Kaleidoscope” which describes his childhood, growing up in a aboriginal community in Western Arnhem Land. This is also available from this site.

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Finding Pandora: Book One: World
by E. Rachael Hardcastle
4.1 Stars (9 Reviews)
Genre: Fantasy | Mythology & Folk Tales

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An Amazon high fantasy UK bestseller!

Welcome to Haeylo, where Supes rule the city, humans are an endangered species and Pandora is as curious as ever.

Arriette Monroe never expected to be thrust into the heart of supernatural chaos, nor did she deem herself worthy of four very special gifts. But now she’s got friends to rescue, Vampyrs to fight and impossible expectations to meet.

Although Arriette thinks she’s walking pandemonium, The Recruit think she’s their saviour. And they’re willing to prove it…

Have you got what it takes to lead the Recruit?

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10 Fun and Easy Homemade Flower Soap: Make your own natural soaps from fragrant flowers 2
by Diann Bright
4.3 Stars (3 Reviews)
Genre: Crafts, Hobbies & Home | Arts & Photography

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Homemade natural flower soap is very eco-friendly, good for sensitive skin and make you enjoy your bath every time with the sweet scent of flowers’ fragrance. The flowers are popular ingredients often added to soap, both petals and essential oils of flowers. Fragrant flowers seem to offer more efficient aromatic, but all kinds of flowers can be used as they can enhance the aromas, colors and textures differentiated. Adding flowers work well in the melt and pour soap, you can use all or grind, but only a few flowers retain their color in cold process soap. Exposure to the lye in the process of saponification makes some of those flower turn brown or black. Since there are plenty of flowers everywhere you can make your own floral scent soaps with all those flowers.
The following book will show you
– How to dry flowers. Using dried flowers in soap will give sweet, softer scent and the colors of the flowers are more stable than the fresh flowers during the soap making process.
– The easy way to make your own essential oils from flowers.
– How to make soap from dried flowers in a very simple way, everybody can do it even the beginners.

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