Riveting and heartbreaking at the same time, Jet: Rescue by Kim Cano, brings to light a very real and disturbing fact that take place around the world today.

JET: Rescue (Kindle Worlds Novella)
Kim Cano
5 Stars (14 Reviews)
Genre: Action & Adventure

Set in Thailand’s seedy underbelly, in Russell Blake’s Jet – Betrayal, Jet rescues a ten-year-old girl named Lawan from Bangkok’s red light district. Jet Rescue explores more of that story from Lawan’s point of view, chronicling her time at the Top Cat Club and her escape with Jet and Matt. “A heartbreaking tale of human trafficking.” Bestselling author Deborah Brown “Jet – Rescue is a great companion book to Jet – Betrayal.” Reader and Jet fan, Janet Nelson

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