Well it’s me again, your one and only Jackie. Well I am sad to say that the coffee has worn off, but not before I got in a good 10 laps around the backyard. You should have seen the looks on the other ladies faces as I did lap after lap after lap. Sadly, with all that running I did I have yet to make it to Amazon today, so I think that after I am done with all of you loyal subjects I will head on over there. Though maybe not, I am very tired all of a sudden… is there such a thing as a coffee crash? ‘Till we meet again subjects… Jackie over and out.

Damian Stevenson
4.1 Stars (163 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

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In this disturbing thriller, a young woman with a history of mental illness descends into madness when her missing boyfriend is declared by all to be a figment of her imagination. Dana March is thrust into a game of shadows where nothing is what it seems and she must fight to preserve her own sanity in the face of overwhelming evidence that points to her having made up a story about an abduction. With no one to vouch for her alleged boyfriend’s existence, Dana must fight to preserve her grasp on reality while playing detective in an environment that suggests civilization is a thin veneer over man’s deepest, darkest impulses.

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The Secret Lives of Ordinary Women
Ginnie Siena Bivona
4.8 Stars (10 Reviews)
Genre: Contemporary Fiction | Short Stories

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The stories in this collection date from the late eighteen hundreds to it could have happened just last week… Some of the stories might be based on reality, the rest are very likely to be mere figments of the writer’s over-active imagination. From the 19th century farm woman saving the life of a peddler, a dear little six year old befriending an older woman, to a bright young woman e-mailing her mom about her developing torrid romance in an ancient Italian city, all of these women are well behaved and certainly proper ladies. You would think. And mostly, they are. Mostly. However, like real-life human beings, there’s the dark side. In these twelve stories, the warrior, the clever thinker, the sexy broad, and every other aspect of the not-always-so-well-behaved show up…

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Strange Tales of the West
James “Doc” Manniken
5 Stars (4 Reviews)
Genre: Westerns | Horror

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The Old West was strange… These three novellas are weird glimpses of that shadowy time: an ex-Confederate’s quest for vengeance, aided by an Indian spirit that exacts a terrible price; a Swiss-born scientist, transplanted to a silver boom-town, and his automaton that takes on a life of its own; and an outlaw, trapped in a ruined mission whose padres guard a blasphemous secret…

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Jason Akley
4.1 Stars (32 Reviews)
Genre: Metaphysical | Literary Fiction

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Lazarus is a contemporary version of the Oedipus trilogy, Sophocles’ timeless epic about the benighted family of a man who kills his father and marries his mother. However, the novel is less a retelling than a refraction. Akley shines his ancient source through a prism and watches the colors spin and dance on a white wall, jumping between generations and growing family trees whose limbs are sometimes chopped with surprising speed, he delivers a tale as engrossing as it is complex. However, he manages this sprawling project with a steady hand, his deft prose is the thread that keeps his patchwork quilt from falling to pieces.

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Zippy and the Stripes of Courage
Candida Sullivan
4.8 Stars (26 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks

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Zippy and the Stripes of Courage is a story about how Zippy the zebra came to accept himself for who he is. It teaches children to celebrate one another’s differences and to treat others as they themselves want to be treated.

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