The “On The Brink” series by author Gerald Greene, is a thought provoking, full of action series, projecting a possible war with Iran. The timeline is current to only a few months in the future, and centers around a Marine family, showing war with both a military and a human face.
On The Brink 1: Techno Thriller Military Action (On the Brink Series 1) (War with Iran)
Gerald Greene
(12 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense | Coming of Age | Teen & Young Adult
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Tensions between America and Iran reach the boiling point in 2016 and result in America entering into its first declared war since World War Two. This action adventure thriller while fiction documents the war as seen from the eyes of an American military family and its retired Marine Colonel father and young Marine 1st Lieutenant son.
Reference is made to fictitious characters, such as Colonel Brad Rogers, and to public figures like President of the United States Barack Obama. Quotations attributed to President Obama and any other public figures are entirely fiction. The novel blends imagined quotations from fictitious characters and public figures in an effort to add realism to a novel set in the near future.
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On The Brink 2: Techno Thriller Action (War With Iran)
Gerald Greene
(6 Reviews)
Genre: War | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Tensions between America and Iran reach the boiling point in 2016 and result in America entering into its first declared war since World War Two. This novel while fiction documents the war as seen from the eyes of an American military family and its retired Marine Colonel father and young Marine 1st Lieutenant son.
Reference is made to fictitious characters such as Colonel Brad Rogers and to public figures like President of the United States Barack Obama. Quotations attributed to President Obama and any other public figures are entirely fiction. The novel blends imagined quotations from fictitious characters and public figures in an effort to add realism to a novel set in the near future.
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On The Brink 3: Techno Thriller Action Adventure (War With Iran)
Gerald Greene
(6 Reviews)
Genre: War | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense | Teen & Young Adult
Military Action Adventure Ripped From Today’s News!
“Israeli Air Force Captain Michael Hayden was pleased but nervous. He’d just attended a briefing by the squadron operations officer where he learned he’d lead a flight of three F-16Is on a bombing mission above Tehran. His team would be delivering 1 megaton nuclear devices set to explode 2,000 feet above the center of the city.”
War with Iran begins as Israel becomes impatient with America’s reluctance to bomb Iran’s suspected nuclear development facility near Qom and strikes with a 200kt nuclear weapon. Iran retaliates with a nuclear strike against Israel using bombs secretly developed with the help of rouge Russian scientists.This leads to escalation in the use of nuclear weapons which devastate Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and three cities on the US east coast.
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On the Brink 4: Techno Thriller Action Stop at Nothing (War With Iran)
Gerald Greene
(4 Reviews)
Genre: War | Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Much of the techno thriller action takes place on Iran’s Qeshm Island, a 135 mile long by up to 40 mile wide Island near Iran’s southern coast which guards the entrance to the Strait of Hormuz. The widely varied topography of Qeshm Island gives a good indication as how difficult an invasion of Iran would be against an enemy that would stop at nothing to defend their country. This military action adventure novel explores war from the viewpoints of the politicians who cause it and American military and families most affected by it. No viewpoint is pretty. Modern warfare is violent and deadly and the introduction of nuclear weapons a curse on all.
Through the eyes of a Marine military family, headed by US Marine Colonel Brad Rogers, the war is visualized as one that would profoundly affect most Americans. The military and their families would suffer most.
Military action thriller explores family relationships and difficulties faced by military families. It’s not easy being separated from those you love and knowing they’re in danger.
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Collateral Damage – Red Flag: Techno Thriller Romance as China Invades Taiwan (Collateral Damage Book 1)
Gerald Greene
(20 Reviews)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller & Suspense | Romance
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Young lovers trapped in war zone. A love story as China invades Taiwan.
After two Afghanistan tours and unable to find a suitable civilian job bad boy Alex enters UCLA. He meets Gloria at a rock concert. The romance deepens and becomes love as Gloria and Alex visit Taiwan to attend her sister’s wedding. War breaks out, as they form a loving relationship as they work together to survive under war conditions.
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