Fast paced and full of action, By Blood Betrayed by David Houpt, is the story of a young boy who leaves home and grows to be a man and a hero. But it’s the journey that is full of plot twists and turns that makes this story so unforgettable.
By Blood Betrayed (The Kingsblood Chronicles)
David Houpt
(16 Reviews)
Genre: Children’s eBooks | Fantasy
A bloody and brutal coup was the last thing anyone expected on the thirtieth anniversary of King Evan’s victory over the wizard-ruled Theocracy, especially one that came from within. The king and queen, their closest advisors, and five of their six children perished under the knives and spells of the assassins hired by Evan’s half-brother in his quest for power. Only the youngest son, Prince Lian, was able to escape his family’s fate and flee into the demon-ridden Firavon’s Tower.Lian must find a way out of the haunted tower and away from the capital if he is to have any chance to survive, but danger and enemies lurk behind every shadow.
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